Blog 8
I thought Betsy's blog about voter turnout was quite interesting, I have never heard of the government offering cash incentives to people just for voting, this is a great tactic to increase voter turnout because who doesn't like getting free money? In Betsy's blog she quoted from The Washington Post that in the state of California a cash incentive "of only $25 raised turnout in municipal elections by almost 5 percent." Betsy also commented on how a man won $10,000 in Philadelphia! This is crazy to me, how could you not want to vote if you are given the chance to win that much of an amount of money. Texas voter turnout is very low and I agree with you Betsy, Texas does need incorporate this tactic, even if it is as little as $5, broke people in college will definitely appreciate it and I am sure the Texas voter turnout will increase if they do this. I enjoyed reading Betsy's blog as well as The Washington Post's article about voter turnout, I have never ...