The War on Drugs is over.
Yes you can guess who won… drugs. So why isn’t marijuana legal in all states already?
In order for a state to legalize marijuana an attorney has to write the memos that provide basic guidelines for legalization, if the state met these guidelines then federal prosecutors would have to act upon. 6 out of 10 (62%) Americans support legalization of marijuana (doubled since 2000, 31%) then why is it not legal nationwide already? If a person living in Colorado is prescribed medical marijuana and has to move or travel to a different state that doesn’t prescribe marijuana then they will have a really hard time. So it doesn’t really make sense to make marijuana legal in some states but not the others.
It is time for congress to respect Sen. Ron Wyden’s proposal for S.420, which would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substance Act causing it to be descheduled and to be sold like alcohol. The main benefits of this would be, tax revenue for states and the federal government by regulating marijuana sales, save money by reducing corrections and court costs, job creation an estimated 1 million jobs could be created by 2025. Marijuana is the nation's largest cash crop and if we legalize it federally now then no more economic opportunities will be missed and the nation's debt can start to decline, or we can continue to keep it in the illicit market and watch the economy of the United States struggle as the money continues to fall in the hands of the wrong people.
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